H.F. No. 146: A bill for an act relating to children; preventing the use of subpoenas to gather
information for out-of-state laws interfering in the use of gender-affirming health care; amending
child custody and child welfare provisions related to out-of-state laws interfering in the use of
gender-affirming health care; amending provisions related to warrants, arrests, and extraditions
related to out-of-state laws on gender-affirming health care; amending Minnesota Statutes 2022,
sections 518D.201; 518D.204; 518D.207; 629.02; 629.05; 629.06; 629.13; 629.14; proposing coding
for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapters 260; 543.
HF146 debate in the house: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsGf-G0jkwo
Senate voting record on HF146 https://www.senate.mn/journals/2023-2024/20230421054.pdf#page=16
This unconstitutional behavior is not unforseen. Last year in the MN House Committee when Rep Bierman recognized the testimony of Daren Mehl against the Conversion Therapy Ban (HF2156) Bierman doesn’t deny that he knows it’s unconstitutional and doubles down in support of it. The LGBT lobby and democrats KNOW these bills are unconstitutional- and they don’t care.